Frequently Asked Questions

What is our Tax ID number?

Who is a Notary at Alive?

Notary services are free to Alive members and a $10 fee will be assessed to non-members and Shared Branching.

  • Fran @ St. Vincent’s

  • Adrienne @ Westside

  • Cindy, Jessica, Mark & Hali @ Main Office

  • CJ @ Atlantic

I’ve recently moved, how do I update my address?

  • You will need to log-in to the Abentras HR Intouch site. Click on the blue button that reads “Click here to view benefits”. It is shared with the “Enroll Now” button. After hitting the “Next” button if prompted with a disclosure, you’ll then be directed to the benefits page. There you will see the menu bar on the left side, which includes your “Profile”. You will be able to update your address in your profile.

  • Separately, you will need to update your address on your credit union account. This can be done by logging-in to online banking.