Alive Credit Union CARES Committee
What does CARES stand for?
Community Achieving Reaching Educating Success
What is CARES?
A community outreach group consisting of Alive Credit Union employees who contribute their time and talents, as well as organize donations and participate in walks/events to benefit our local community.
When are meetings and events held?
Meetings are held quarterly (during normal business hours) with additional meetings as needed.
Event planning is done during normal business hours.
Event attendance is typically after hours and its on a volunteer basis.
The committee
Member Responsibilities
Agree to a one-year commitment (must actively participate)
Attend meetings regularly (at least 75%) and voice opinions/ideas
Understand and be committed to the aims of the group/project
Participate in the majority of events/projects
Promote CARES activities and encourage staff involvement
How to be removed
Voluntarily - Give written notice
Involuntarily - Lack of participation; missing too many meetings