Back to School: Supply Drive
According to a USA Today report from 2022, parents spent $661 per child in grades K-12 on back-to-school purchases on average. That price can be assumed to be even greater as an effect of inflation this school year. 15 million children’s families do not have the money for school supplies. With budgets tighter than ever, our members and community may struggle with sending their children and teens back to school this year.
How can you help?
CARES has been inspired by the Brooks Rehab School Supply Drive. This school supply drive takes the donated pens, pencils, and various other supplies and distributes them to the Title I schools in Duval County. A Title I school is a school that has been tapped to be in a federally funded program based on the percentage of students eligible for free and reduced lunch. These schools have a population of at least 40% of students in a low-income family. To be considered a low-income family, the average annual income cannot exceed $30,000 for a family of four.
CARES Challenges You!
CARES is challenging each of our branches in Jacksonville to begin collecting school supplies using the donation boxes that will delivered shortly. Not only do we challenge each branch to gather donated goods, we also want to see what branch can gather the most. As we all know, west side was the best side when it came to our Ronald McDonald tab collection. Who will be the greatest champion for our Duval County students in need? Time is of the essence: all donations end July 31st so that supplies can be organized and get out to the children before school starts in August.